University of Minnesota and Minnesota Homeowner Seminar

The UMN Onsite Sewage Treatment Program, along with Lake County and Lake County SWCD, offering a FREE septic system and private well homeowner education class in our area on October 9, 2018. It will be held at the Fall Lake Township Town Hall from 6:00 – 8:00 PM. This class will cover the basics of how septic systems function, well water testing, and how to help protect your well from contamination sources.  It will also provide property owners information on chemicals of emerging concern (CEC) including pharmaceuticals, personal care products, and the potential impact on ground and surface water. Information on proper maintenance of both septic systems and private drinking water systems will be covered to help property owners protect their investments and the environment.   Christine McCarthy, the Environmental Services Director for Lake County, will be present to answer any questions you may have related to the local ordinance and related programs.

Date: Tuesday, October 9

Time: 6:00 - 8:00 pm

Location: Fall Lake Township Town Hall

Presenter: Sara Heger of the University of MN Twin Cities

Participants are encouraged to sign up at the following link, however walk-ins are welcome;

For Lake County Residents that sign up early on the above link, Lake County will assemble a packet with people’s personal septic system and well information.

Contact Lake County SWCD for more information. (218) 834-8370 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For additional information, resources, and links on septic systems and water wells, click on the “Educational Tab” on the WICOLA Homepage and then “Septic Systems” and “Water Wells”.