NorthMet Mining Project and Land Exchange EIS

– Record of Decision March 3, 2016 Page 47 of 85

Protected Areas. Regarding potential impacts to the BWCAW and Voyageurs National Park watershed, no direct, indirect, or cumulative effect for surface water flow or surficial groundwater flow are predicted.

North Flow Path. During development of the Final EIS the Co-lead Agencies became aware of a potential for a north flow path of bedrock groundwater from the NorthMet Mine site to the existing Northshore Mine when both facilities are in closure. After evaluating the available information the Co-lead Agencies determined that the possibility of a north flow path induced by future operations at the Northshore Mine Site is unlikely, but cannot be ruled out completely. Potential bedrock groundwater flow from the Mine Site north to the Northshore Mine is proposed to be addressed through monitoring and contingency mitigation if needed. Monitoring requirements would be implemented, and if the possibility of a north flow of bedrock groundwater is detected, it would be prevented by contingency mitigation measures.