It's not too late to make plans to attend the WICOLA Annual Meeting and Dinner on August 8 at Creek Ridge. Call Dolores at 365-7863 to make reservations at $25 per person. Come at 5pm for a social hour and a time to visit with your WICOL neighbors. A buffet dinner will be served at 6pm followed by speaker, Nolan Boratano, from MPCA and our annual meeting and elections. Directions to Creek Ridge: Take Hwy 1 South out of Ely 3.5 miles to County Road 655 and turn left. Follow Co. Rd 655 approximately .5 miles to Creek Ridge Road. Follow the signs into the lodge. If you prefer to arrive by boat or pontoon, there is space available at the Creek Ridge dock.
White Iron Chain Of Lakes Association
Euan Reevie from the Natural Resources Research Institute will present results of the Paleolimnology study of the White Iron Chain of Lakes on Thursday, August 1 at 7:00 p.m. at VCC, room C104. Euan will share infomation gained from core samples taken from the WICOL lakes as part of KWPP grants. This presentation is in conjunction withEly Field Naturalist and is open to the public. Come and learn about the effect our history has had on our water quality.
Call Dolores Delaney (365-7863) to make your reservation for the buffet dinner at Creekside Lodge on White Iron Lake, $25 per person. Call with your reservation(s) and send your check for the meal to WICOLA, P.O. Box 493, Ely. You may pay at the door, but we need a firm head count for the Lodge before the 8th. Social hour is 5 to 6 PM with dinner at 6 PM. The speaker is Nolan Baratano from MPCA. Annual meeting and elections will follow.
It's Blueberry Festival week and WICOLA will once again have an informational booth (#172B). Come by and visit with WICOLA, DNR, and Sea Grant volunteers, and Derrick Passe to learn more about AIS and other aspects of the KWPP grant results, including our continued water monitoring of lakes and streams as part of the Implementation Phase. Better yet, volunteer to help at the booth and spread the word of WICOLA's many accomplishments and continued activities. If interested, contact Derrick or one of the WICOLA Board members.
Call Delaney’s to reserve a crayfish trap (365-7863); then pick up at their home (618 Voyageur Rd ) between 9 AM and 2 PM on July 24. The traps are all legally tagged and you will receive printed instructions, cray fish identification photos and charts to record your outcomes. Eradicating the crayfish is an essential part of keeping our lakes filled with viable fish! Do your part. You don’t have to be a WICOLA member to participate. We have 80 traps to place.
WICOLA member, Charlene Mason, was recently selected by the International Joint Commission to serve on the new International Rainey River-Lake of the Woods Watershed Board.
In March, WICOLA board members, Nancy Powers and Jo Kovach, represented WICOLA at the International Water Quality Forum in International Falls. Project Coordinator, Derrick Passe presented outcomes and updates for the Kawishiwi Water Protection Project (KWPP).